Thursday, July 06, 2006

May - Happy Birthday Brad

For Brad's birthday, we spent the day in Toronto - sort of playing tourist ... in the rain. It's like we never left Scotland.

We went on a boat tour around Toronto Harbour and islands. It's amazing the little facts you learn. Apparently one of Babe Ruth's first homerun baseballs lies at the bottom of Lake Ontario (or did - probably not much left of it now) after he hit one from a baseball diamond on one of the islands.

We also went past:

- a lighthouse supposedly haunted by its former moonshine-brewing keeper
  • - and some very brave fishermen!

A nice (foggy) view of the city on the return trip. We did have to correct the tour guide though when he told us there were two national teams that played out of the Air Canada Centre - the Maple Leafs and the Raptors - poor Toronto Rock forgotten. Brad didn't let that one slide!

After the tour, I took Brad to see the Lord of the Rings musical - all 3 hours and a bit of it. It was well worth it though - very visual with fun costumes, great dancing, and lots of special effects.

We went for dinner at a place called Cafe Moroc for some amazing food - especially the Maftoul (cigar-shaped pastry stuffed with spicy beef - and a few other things), and a belly dancing show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Rock Counts as a national team?.... I kid I kid. Glad you 2 had a good time. Interesting fact about babe ruth as well. Toronto is full of surprises. Keep the updates and the photos coming. Take care you to. Cheers.

1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Just had to tell you that I just watched the movie Essex Boys. So damn funny. Not a great movie but the accents are great. The opening scene is at the dartford crossing and it shows the sign saying welcome to Essex. You know the one. It has the 3 swords on it and you feel so dirty once you have passed it. It takes place mostly in soufen (southend). You will have to see it at some point. Cheers.

4:47 PM

Blogger Dawn said...

I will have to check that movie out bud!! Sounds worth watching just for that. Oh Essex ...

It's great - they have posters of David Beckham advertising his new cologne all around Sears at the eaton centre - good ol' Essex boy's face every morning on the way to work.

6:41 PM


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