Thursday, July 06, 2006


We spent the long weekend in May in Ottawa - visiting friends and the Tulip Festival (in the rain!).

We discovered a very bizarre vodka in the Quebec liquor store - named Pulse for the flashing pulsing light the light on the bottom of the bottle made when you slam it on the table.

The Rideau Canal in Ottawa

And here we are beside it.

... before going to watch a VERY slow moving flotilla down the canal. We didn't even stick around for the firemen!

This was a definite fave though - the swerving G8 boat carrying 8 very entertaining stereotypes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend in Ottawa. Probaby for the best that I wasn't there though. We all know how I "ruin" your weekends in Ottawa. hahaha.

2:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn - look s like you've been having a great time. It's marvellous being able to see some of what you've been up to.

1:58 PM


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